Monday 7 March 2016


I've been thinking about what colour scheme I would like to have throughout all my designs. I researched some and found some pictured below. For my designs, I want quite soft colours. I'm a big fan of pastel colours in general, and I want this to reflect on my work. I don't mind having the occasional bold colour e.g. red or blue in my designs to make it a little less bland, but overall I want the colours to be quite mellow. I want most of the focus to be on the actual writing and picture design rather than the colours. I feel like if the colours are too overpowering, it will cancel out the writing and be too "in your face". 

My favourite colour scheme so far is number 3. I really like the combination of colours that are used and like the fact that there is still one or two bold colours in there. My favourite colour is the 4th one and am planning to possibly use that as my background for all my designs.  




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